Archive for the ‘Detox & Cleansing’ Category
Scientists at the Hughes Center for Research and Innovation have made several remarkable discoveries on Synergy’s ProArgi-9+ formula, showing that ProArgi-9+ can do what l-arginine cannot do on its own. Following these discoveries, Nature’s Sunshine has filed a United States provisional patent application to ensure that Synergy maintains exclusive rights to this iconic formula.
While the details of the patent application are not yet published, Dr. Matthew Tripp, Nature’s Sunshine’s Chief Scientific Officer, shared some insights into their discoveries.
“Numerous studies have shown the cardiovascular benefits of l-arginine,” explained Nature’s Sunshine’s Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Matthew Tripp. “However, our preliminary in vitro and human studies showed that the unique combination of ingredients in our ProArgi-9+ formula enhances the effects of L-arginine within the body in several ways.”
The body converts the amino acid l-arginine into nitric oxide to support healthy circulatory and cardiovascular function. Although l-arginine alone can increase the surrogate marker of saliva nitric oxide, this is a gradual process. In testing ProArgi-9+, Nature’s Sunshine found that its formula significantly and rapidly increases the level of nitric oxide in the body.
The findings of this study are significant because other studies show that aging and poor diet can affect the metabolic systems responsible for producing nitric oxide, causing them to work less effectively. Healthy nitric oxide levels are important for proper vasodilation, along with blood pressure, muscle, heart and central nervous system function*.
Previous studies have shown that l-arginine has no significant effect on myeloperoxidase, an enzyme that inhibits nitric oxide production. Additionally, l-arginine has no significant influence on inhibiting the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. The Hughes Center’s preliminary study discovered that the unique combination of ingredients found in Synergy’s ProArgi-9+ potently inhibited myeloperoxidase and helps to reduce the oxidation of LDL cholesterol.
“These groundbreaking studies are exactly what we hoped for when the Hughes Center opened its doors in February 2015,” said Dan Norman, President of Synergy WorldWide. “Thanks to Dr. Matthew Tripp and his team of skilled scientists, we can publicize the proven impact ProArgi-9+ can have on countless lives all over the world. This is exciting news, and we are eager to share it with individuals around the world with the hope of helping more people achieve optimal health.”
Together, the results of these studies indicate that the unique properties found in ProArgi-9+ positively impact cardiovascular health by supporting the production of nitric oxide and inhibiting myeloperoxidase. These findings support the use of ProArgi-9+ for optimal heart health.
The Hughes Center is revealing the power that lies in Synergy products. Synergy WorldWide is incredibly fortunate to have a brilliant and seasoned staff of scientists standing behind its products, providing telling research that reinforces Synergy’s mission to leave a lasting legacy of health around the world.
CLICK HERE for the official press release.
For a downloadable version of the press release, CLICK HERE.
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Business partners and friends Stefan Patrik Kristofferson and Øistein Bekkvang know that two minds are stronger than one, which is why they joined forces in 2009 to begin building a Synergy empire. Less than three years later they achieved the Emerald Executive title, making them the third account to ever earn this status in Europe. With this title, they continued to expand their business across Europe and recently hit the $1 million mark, a major milestone in their Synergy journey.
“I met Patrik in another company and I was surprised by his work ethic,” Øistein said. “When I learned about Synergy WorldWide, I shared my knowledge with Patrik but he was not interested. After about a year, he finally saw the potential and value that rested in this company.”
Øistein’s and Stefan Patrik’s personalities are perfect complements, allowing their business to excel in areas that maybe it wouldn’t have had they chose to work alone. Øistein’s strengths shine behind the scenes with his logic, realistic perspective and level-headed nature. He is someone that new acquaintances can instantly trust. Stefan Patrik shines on stage. He knows how to make a room full of people excited and motivated to go after their dreams. Together, they create the solid foundation of a business that consistently executes and thrive because of it.
All of the success the team has seen over the years initially took off in 2010, when Øistein and Stefan Patrik flew to the U.S. to visit Synergy WorldWide and meet company executives and successful Team Members, including Double Presidential Mark Comer.
“When I returned home from that trip I told Øistein I was 100% with him in this business venture,” Stefan Patrik said. “The products are made for real people with a desire to better their health. The Compensation Plan was the best I had seen because of the Mega-Match. Though there weren’t many sales materials available in Europe when we started our business, we always received the support we needed, and everyone sincerely wanted to help us. That’s one of the biggest benefits that comes with starting a Synergy business.”

Centering their business focus on setting and achieving goals, Øistein and Stefan Patrik have taught hundreds, if not thousands, effective goal-setting habits, and their example is founding cornerstones in the way Europe’s leaders teach new distributors to operate every day. They have worked tirelessly over the years, traveling and educating the masses about Synergy’s valuable products and opportunities. And though the work hasn’t been easy, they wouldn’t trade the time they’ve spent with Synergy for anything. They’ve been able to achieve financial freedom, travel the world and make lifelong friendships.
“If you want to change your life, if you want to be something you have never been before, this is the opportunity to be that person,” Stefan Patrik said. “You get to work when you want to work, where you want to work, and with the people you enjoy being with. You can take control of your life. I call that the Synergy lifestyle.”
Øistein and Stefan Patrik are grateful for their supportive sponsor Martin Østvang and the many people on their team who have devoted themselves to Synergy WorldWide and allowed this new Million Dollar Club team to advance within the company.
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Business partners and friends Stefan Patrik Kristofferson and Øistein Bekkvang know that two minds are stronger than one, which is why they joined forces in 2009 to begin building a Synergy empire. Less than three years later they achieved the Emerald Executive title, making them the third account to ever earn this status in Europe. With this title, they continued to expand their business across Europe and recently hit the $1 million mark, a major milestone in their Synergy journey.
“I met Patrik in another company and I was surprised by his work ethic,” Øistein said. “When I learned about Synergy WorldWide, I shared my knowledge with Patrik but he was not interested. After about a year, he finally saw the potential and value that rested in this company.”
Øistein’s and Stefan Patrik’s personalities are perfect complements, allowing their business to excel in areas that maybe it wouldn’t have had they chose to work alone. Øistein’s strengths shine behind the scenes with his logic, realistic perspective and level-headed nature. He is someone that new acquaintances can instantly trust. Stefan Patrik shines on stage. He knows how to make a room full of people excited and motivated to go after their dreams. Together, they create the solid foundation of a business that consistently executes and thrive because of it.
All of the success the team has seen over the years initially took off in 2010, when Øistein and Stefan Patrik flew to the U.S. to visit Synergy WorldWide and meet company executives and successful Team Members, including Double Presidential Mark Comer.
“When I returned home from that trip I told Øistein I was 100% with him in this business venture,” Stefan Patrik said. “The products are made for real people with a desire to better their health. The Compensation Plan was the best I had seen because of the Mega-Match. Though there weren’t many sales materials available in Europe when we started our business, we always received the support we needed, and everyone sincerely wanted to help us. That’s one of the biggest benefits that comes with starting a Synergy business.”

Centering their business focus on setting and achieving goals, Øistein and Stefan Patrik have taught hundreds, if not thousands, effective goal-setting habits, and their example is founding cornerstones in the way Europe’s leaders teach new distributors to operate every day. They have worked tirelessly over the years, traveling and educating the masses about Synergy’s valuable products and opportunities. And though the work hasn’t been easy, they wouldn’t trade the time they’ve spent with Synergy for anything. They’ve been able to achieve financial freedom, travel the world and make lifelong friendships.
“If you want to change your life, if you want to be something you have never been before, this is the opportunity to be that person,” Stefan Patrik said. “You get to work when you want to work, where you want to work, and with the people you enjoy being with. You can take control of your life. I call that the Synergy lifestyle.”
Øistein and Stefan Patrik are grateful for their supportive sponsor Martin Østvang and the many people on their team who have devoted themselves to Synergy WorldWide and allowed this new Million Dollar Club team to advance within the company.
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September 2015 Elite Honors Qualifiers

Team Members are still charging full steam ahead in pursuit of becoming Elite Honors Qualified for the first time or maintaining the EHQ title. The Elite Honors program is streamlining the way organizations do business with Synergy WordWide while maximizing each Team Member’s earning potential. Team Members following the program are seeing the extra rewards that are made possible through the Go Elite promotion as they continue doing what they’ve been doing all along—building their Synergy businesses.
Congratulations to the September 2015 qualifiers:
Qualify for Elite Honors 1 out of 12 months and receive an Elite Honors pin, recognition letter, and online recognition. Qualify 3 our of 12 months and receive an Elite Honors Club Card, which can be used for a number of event perks, including VIP registration, special product promotions, and more!

KC Michigan Group, Inc.
MDB International
Margie Dean
Scott Jacobs & Melanie O’Neill
Dano, LLC
Mikayla Clark
RBS Marketing, Inc.
Susan Bober
Tee & See Marketing, Inc.
K. Roger Carter
Dan Schellkopf
Steven & Julie Russon
Impact Health Consulting
Beproactive, LLC
Dan Hammer Health, LTD
Natural Cardio Solutions, Inc.
Dr. Eleazar Kadile
Dianne Sandberg
To learn more about Elite Honors and the Go Elite Promotion, click here.
Congratulations to everyone who has achieved Elite Honors so far and a special congratulations to those who have achieved Elite Honors multiple times. We are impressed by your work ethic and belief, and we thank you for the examples you are to all those working toward building their Synergy businesses.
September is already off to a great start. Let’s keep the momentum going! Train your team on the importance of becoming Elite Honors qualified through the Synergy Opportunity Webinar as you achieve this highly sought after title yourself. Can’t wait to see the success that this month brings. Good luck!
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Protein and Meal Replacements Increasing in Demand
Between 2009 and 2014, protein has become one of consumer health’s most in-demand ingredients with a sales increase of 59.3%, according to Euromonitor. Additionally, meal replacements are the highest selling weight management supplement today! Both trends are forecasted to stay on the incline for the foreseeable future as people invest in fitness and grow increasingly aware of their health.
Recognizing this trend, Synergy WorldWide decided to meet two global consumer demands with SLMsmart Health Shake, a delicious meal replacement mix with 26 grams of protein in every serving. But what is it that’s making protein and meal replacements a household necessity?

The human body is stacked with protein. Proteins exist in the outer and inner membranes of every living cell and also make an appearance in:
- Muscle tissue
- Bones
- Red blood cells and plasma
- Hair and nails
The body needs protein to make enzymes, which do a number of jobs in the body, including digesting food and making new cells. Perhaps one of the most important jobs that proteins have are creating neurotransmitters, which are responsible for sending messages back and forth from nerve cells to other specialized cells, such as muscle cells.
As people are predicted to continue making fitness a priority, protein will increase in importance because it is essential in supporting muscle growth. While SLMsmart Health Shake was designed by in-house scientists to support weight management programs, many have turned to SLMsmart for its protein content and nutrients.
As people find their schedules more and more hectic, it can be tough to constantly stress over proper nutrition, especially when trying to control their weight. That’s why an increasing number of people are reaching for meal replacement shakes, which are nutrient-dense and can help fill the gaps created by an incomplete diet through an easy-to-mix shake. Add in the convenience factor of being able to stash a serving or two in your purse or car and you have the recipe for a quick, delicious alternative to skipping a meal or overindulging in a less healthy restaurant option.

Whether you’re looking for an easy weight management solution or a convenient way to fill nutritional voids, Health Shake can show you why meal replacements are skyrocketing in popularity. Incorporate this mix into your daily routine to satisfy your chocolate and vanilla cravings while staying on track to a healthier you. Whether you use SLMsmart for nutrition, weight management or fitness, it’s full of the healthy essentials your body craves with a taste you love.
Click here to purchase SLMsmart Health Shake.
Click here for the SLMsmart Health Shake fact sheet.
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September 2015 Recognition

September 2015
Congratulations to the following Team Members throughout the United States and Canada. We look forward to your continued triumphs this year!
Rank Advancements
Mikayla Clark
Virginia Dean
Yoojin Park
Mikayla Clark
Shaun Plumb
Virginia Dean
Karla Eaton
Dr. Dennis Meador
Tom Dendinger
Anthony Orofino
Brianda Garcia
Christopher Sanchez
Daniel Priem
Top Recruiters
Top North American Team Members (in order) that personally sponsored the most new Team Members
KC Michigan Group, Inc.
Cliff & Janice Rosang
Impact Health Consulting, LLC
Pauline Kehoe
K. Roger Carter
Andrea Woolford
Chuck Pinnell
Eric Poland
Mikayla Clark
Melanie O’Neill
Top Team Builders
Team Members (in order) with the most personally sponsored rank advancements
Tee & See Marketing, Inc.
Margie Dean
Compliance Medical Services, LLC
KC Michigan Group Ing.
Dr. Eleazar Kadile
MDB International
Nancy Kerbs
Christine A. Houston
Kelley Jackson
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Share Your Elite Honors Journey With Us!
Team Members around the world are setting a goal at the beginning of each month to get their head in the game, work hard, and become Elite Honors Qualified. What is Elite Honors? Click here to learn more.
Becoming Elite Honors Qualified is a fantastic feat, and we want to see you in action! Share snapshots of your Elite Honors journey with us and we’ll be ready to reward you along the way.
Beginning Friday, October 2, 2015, we will begin a series of #GoElite Giveaways. All you have to do to win these giveaways is post eye-catching images of yourself being an Elite Synergy Business Builder. Share these photos on Instagram, Facebook, or both using the hashtag #GoElite! Giveaways will happen at random, so continue checking your Facebook and Instagram accounts to know when to post.

- Post a photo of yourself doing some Elite business building. Examples: Take a picture of yourself hosting a Synergy meeting, wearing your hard-earned Elite Honors pin, sharing a sample with a friend, training someone else on the Elite Honors earnings model … that kind of thing! As long as you prove that you are actively pursuing your Elite Honors goal, the photo will work.
- Include the date the photo was taken in the caption. We are looking for recent Elite activities!
- Include the hashtags #GoElite and #Synergyworldwide in you post. If you don’t include the hashtags, we won’t be able to find your photos!
- These photos can be posted on Facebook and Instagram. Double your chances of winning by posting on both! Here’s how to find us:
-Instagram: @synergyworldwide
-Facebook account:
T-shirts, jackets, backpacks, padfolios, USBs, water bottles… there will be plenty of exciting prizes offered! Any of these could be yours for simply showing us what you’re doing in the field to become Elite Honors Qualified.
We can’t wait to experience with you the adventures you embark on to become Elite Honors Qualified. The first giveaway may be coming soon, so get your photos ready!
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Elite Honors Spotlight: Steve & Julie Russon
Month after month, Team Members are discovering just how much is attainable when they set a goal to become Elite Honors Qualified each month. Team Members who have qualified multiple months are seeing the fruits of their labors and some are going the extra mile by maintaining their highest pin titles to earn the Go Elite promotion bonus.

Steve and Julie Russon, Silvers from Pleasant Grove, Utah, recently achieved Elite Honors for the third time and received the Go Elite bonus twice. This hardworking is couple has been with Synergy for 2 ½ years and is not lacking in personality. Steve competes in Scottish games, always sporting a kilt with a Synergy T-shirt, and Julie keeps herself busy supporting their three children and one grandson. In addition, Steve works as the first assist to an orthopedic surgeon and sees the many ailments people suffer from on a daily basis.
“When we first heard about the Elite Honors model, it seemed familiar, like this is what we were supposed to be doing anyway. Before Elite Honors, we were working, but we were floundering. When Elite Honors was launched, we were really focused on making the customer volume work and focused on getting the signups. It has been a great guide for us. Every day, my husband and I wake up and decide what we need to do to achieve Elite Honors and then we say “Where do we want to go?” It is a morning habit now, like eating breakfast or brushing teeth.
Through Elite Honors, we’ve learned the business building process; we’ve learned how to focus and how to get organized. However, we had to decide that we didn’t want any another option, we wanted this to work. The program has been easy enough and is the reason we wake up with a fixed idea in our minds each morning of what we will accomplish that day. Remember, nothing ever comes easy and it’s a gradual process.
I have a serious appreciation for how devoted Synergy’s leaders are and how they express what Synergy has done for them. Because of this, the Synergy dream is believable and it’s possible. Synergy is a company that will never rip you off. It’s a company that cares and it’s an environment of caring for others.”
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Elite Honors Spotlight: Steve & Julie Russon
Month after month, Team Members are discovering just how much is attainable when they set a goal to become Elite Honors Qualified each month. Team Members who have qualified multiple months are seeing the fruits of their labors and some are going the extra mile by maintaining their highest pin titles to earn the Go Elite promotion bonus.

Steve and Julie Russon, Silvers from Pleasant Grove, Utah, recently achieved Elite Honors for the third time and received the Go Elite bonus twice. This hardworking is couple has been with Synergy for 2 ½ years and is not lacking in personality. Steve competes in Scottish games, always sporting a kilt with a Synergy T-shirt, and Julie keeps herself busy supporting their three children and one grandson. In addition, Steve works as the first assist to an orthopedic surgeon and sees the many ailments people suffer from on a daily basis.
“When we first heard about the Elite Honors model, it seemed familiar, like this is what we were supposed to be doing anyway. Before Elite Honors, we were working, but we were floundering. When Elite Honors was launched, we were really focused on making the customer volume work and focused on getting the signups. It has been a great guide for us. Every day, my husband and I wake up and decide what we need to do to achieve Elite Honors and then we say “Where do we want to go?” It is a morning habit now, like eating breakfast or brushing teeth.
Through Elite Honors, we’ve learned the business building process; we’ve learned how to focus and how to get organized. However, we had to decide that we didn’t want any another option, we wanted this to work. The program has been easy enough and is the reason we wake up with a fixed idea in our minds each morning of what we will accomplish that day. Remember, nothing ever comes easy and it’s a gradual process.
I have a serious appreciation for how devoted Synergy’s leaders are and how they express what Synergy has done for them. Because of this, the Synergy dream is believable and it’s possible. Synergy is a company that will never rip you off. It’s a company that cares and it’s an environment of caring for others.”
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Connect with Synergy on Instagram!
For all things Synergy, follow Synergy WorldWide on Instagram under the account name @synergyworldwide!
It is now your mission to go to your Instagram account, search @synergyworldwide, and follow us.
Why follow us?
- We will randomly select Instagram followers for Synergy merchandise and product giveaways. Mention @synergyworldwide or use the hashtag #synergyworldwide in all of your Synergy-related photos and there is a good chance we’ll repost them!
- Find out what fellow Synergy WorldWide customers and Team Members from all over the world are up to. You may even learn a thing or two from them!
- Similar to our Facebook pages and blogs, our Instagram account is another avenue you can use to stay up-to-date on the latest Synergy happenings.
- We promise to inspire you to Leave a Legacy with the fun images and messages we post!
Don’t have an Instagram account? Well, you might want one! Instagram is an online mobile photo-sharing and video-sharing social media service that is connecting more than 300 million people all over the world through imagery.
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