September 2018 Title Plus Earners

September 2018 Title Plus Earners

Last month, Synergy paid out over $7,500 in Title Plus bonuses. Congratulations to all those who earned their bonus last month!

Remember, by building on this momentum to maintain or reach new ranks you can earn matching bonuses, fourth month bonuses and compounding bonuses. For more information about the Title Plus promotion, click here.

Pearl Executive

David Davidson

Team Manager

The Synergy Project Llc 3x Achieved

Team Leader

Durlyne Holder 3x Achieved
Bmtmm Global Networks Llc
Jose Munoz
Olegario Munoz
Juan Gomez


Arnold Brod 3x Achieved
Durlyne Holder 3x Achieved
Josh Butcher 2x Achieved
Brandon Brenchley 2x Achieved
Adam Nanney 2x Achieved
Jeremy Reeder 2x Achieved
Alexander Plaza Verdejo
Bmtmm Global Networks Llc
Jose Munoz
Olegario Munoz
Juan Gomez


Brandon Brenchley 3x Achieved
Adam Nanney 3x Achieved
Gloria Charles 2x Achieved
Carlos Marcano 2x Achieved
Patrick Martin Tyron Todd
Cheryl Gaskin
Alexander Plaza Verdejo
Bmtmm Global Networks Llc
Jose Munoz
Olegario Munoz
Juan Gomez


Mary Blakley Month Four Matching Bonus
Jacqueline Mcclashie 3x Achieved
Carmen M De Leon Bonilla 3x Achieved
Carlos Marcano 2x Achieved
 Hamolu Enterprises Llc 2x Achieved
Bmtmm Global Networks Llc 2x Achieved
Dr Jason Moore D.c.
Jean E Rampersad
Cheryl Gaskin
Noel Richards
Wendy Simmons
Carlos Roman Vizcarrondo
Dong Min Lee
Suzette Saunders
Bartolo Castillo
Jose Munoz
Floriberto Nava
Olegario Munoz
Noelia Arredondo
Wilfredo Guevara
Victor Morales
Juan Gomez
Alma Arias
Cinthya Nunez
Maria Avila


Mark Myers 3x Achieved
Marjorie Lewis 3x Achieved
Minsoo Cha 3x Achieved
Damon Loosli 3x Achieved
Suzette Saunders 3x Achieved
Douglas Morales Montanez 3x Achieved
Cheryl Gaskin 2x Achieved
Renee Gomes-boucher 2x Achieved
 Hamolu Enterprises Llc 2x Achieved
Aaron Lewis 2x Achieved
Bmtmm Global Networks Llc 2x Achieved
Robert Bauer
Clayton Arakawa
Dennis St Elmo Kellman
Romel Hall
Wendy Simmons
Raquel Reid
Zoraida Escalera-calderon
Ivor Miles
Jenis M Belgrave
Natalia Calixto
Kyunghwa Cheong
Edith Kiszivath Szantho
Geoffrey Lamberts
Arnim Morris
Jose Rubio
Susan Yorke-roberts
Jody Townsend
Gwen Watkins
Angela F. Yearwood
Kenneth Cordner
Carlene Corbin
Dave Ramcharan
Patricia Urquhart
Susan Maynard
Sandra Thomas-joefield
Angelica Castro
Bartolo Castillo
Jose Munoz
Floriberto Nava
Olegario Munoz
Noelia Arredondo
Wilfredo Guevara
Victor Morales
David Valdes
Manfredy Berrios
Miguel Angel Maldonado
Jesus Cruz
Macrina Flores Blanco
Francisco Flores
Guillermina Hernandez
Crispina Munguia
Flora Rodriguez
Irma Rodriguez
Roselvia Jovel
Marco Discua
Juan Gomez
Alma Arias
Diana Estrada
Cinthya Nunez
Alicia Mendoza
Lucila Alebarran
Lidia Medellin
Dan Geroy
Dr Allen Unruh
Jiyoon Hwang
Erika Lara
Jose Gonzalez
Maria Avila
Robert Constantine
Maria Gallegos
George Robinson
Terry Cherry
Leonel Vitervo
Ana Hernandez
Phillip N Springer
Lidia Sosa
Celso Rangel
Pedro Santizo
Cindy Walcott
Juan Alvarez
Pedro Zepeda
Luis Nava

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